DS518 - Revision by amendment of 2 Specific Safety Guides on Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Status: STEP 11

Revision von SSG-42 (Ex DS360) und SSG-43 (Ex DS381)

  • SSG-42: "Safety of Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities" (518A)
  • SSG-43: "Safety of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Research and Development Facilities" (518B)


Specific Safety Guides

STEP 12    
Step 11A
Step 11B
Kommentare der SSCs und IAEO-Bewertung
DS518A            DS518B
IAEO-Zusammenfassung nach STEP 11
DS518A clean      DS518A tracked
DS518B clean      DS518B tracked
Step 8A
Step 8B
Kommentare der Mitgliedsstaaten
und IAEO-Bewertung
DS518A         DS518B
IAEO-Zusammenfassung nach STEP 8
DS518A  clean    DS518A  tracked
DS518B  clean    DS518B  tracked
STEP7A (tracked)
STEP7B (tracked)
Kommentare der SSCs
DS518A         DS518B
IAEO-Zusammenfassung nach STEP 7
DS518A  clean    DS518A  tracked
DS518B  clean    DS518B  tracked
STEP 4    
STEP 3 Kommentare der SSCs und IAEO-Bewertung IAEO-Zusammenfassung nach STEP 3


Zurück zur Übersicht "In Entwicklung befindliche Safety Standards"

Background Information
Under this DPP will be revised two Guides: SSG-42 “Safety of Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities” and SSG-43 “Safety of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Research and Development Facilities” (Group 2). According to criteria of grouping the Safety Guides by three DPPs, Safety Guides in Group 2 were published recently (2017), they considered lessons learned from Fukushima Daiichi NPP Accident and need only minor modification.
 The following specific issues will be addressed for SSG-42:
  • New section on management and verification of safety, aligned with SSR-4 and relevant management safety guide GS-G-3.5;
  • Include auxiliary activities such as sampling within scope;
  • Include safety culture aspects specific for nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities;
  • Include information on support systems and analytical laboratories.
The following specific issues will be addressed for SSG-43:
  • New section on management and verification of safety, aligned with SSR-4 and relevant management safety guide GS-G-3.1;
  • Include sampling within scope;
  • Review the safety culture aspects already covered in SSG-43;
  • Include information on support systems.

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