The following pages provide information on the German nuclear non-mandatory guidance instruments as well as on international rulemaking processes.
German rules and regulations
More information on the German nuclear non-mandatory guidance instruments can be found here.
IAEA rulemaking
The IAEA develops its own rules by consensus of the Member States. The tasks of GRS include support of the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (BMUV) when commenting on drafts of the so-called safety standards. As part of the Member States' comment process, GRS collects the comments of the expert organisations, the industry and the public and compiles them in a quality-assured form. |
For further information on the IAEA rulemaking processes, click here.
Harmonisation of European safety standards (WENRA)
The Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA) is an association of 18 European supervisory and regulatory authorities. One of the objectives is the harmonisation of nuclear safety in Europe. GRS supports the BMUV in scientific and technical issues within the framework of the Reactor Harmonisation Working Group (RHWG), which develops the WENRA Reference Levels, safety objectives for new nuclear power plants as well as position papers on selected issues relating to nuclear safety. More information can be found here.