Status - SSG-51
Veröffentlichung 2019
Neues Dokument
Beteiligte IAEO-Komitees: NUSSC, EPReSC
Specific Safety Guide
Document Preparation Profile "DPP"
Zurück zu „IAEO Safety Standards Series“ (Übersicht aller derzeit gültigen Sicherheitsstandards)
Background Information
The DS 492 was initiated to:
- Provide a structured approach and guidance on Human Factors Engineering (HFE) in the design and modification of human machine interface in order to minimize the risk of human errors, and optimize human performance to ensure safe operation of the nuclear power plant
- Ensure coherency and consistency with the other relevant IAEA Safety Standards (GSR Part 2, GSR Part 4, GSR Part 7, SSR-2/2, GSG-3.1, GS-G-3.5, and SSG-39)
- Incorporate experience on application of the documents, and the operating experience feedback from the IAEA Incident reporting systems, and the feedback from the accident at the FukushimaDaiichi NPP
The main topical areas for which this Safety Guide provides guidance are the following:
- Considerations specific to HFE, including the human machine interface(s) for achieving compliance with the requirements established in SSR 2/1
- Competences needed for integrating human factors engineering into the design of nuclear facilities throughout the plant lifecycle for achieving compliance with the requirements established in GSR Part 2
- The HFE process to be considered in achieving human machine interface design across plant states
- A consideration of HFE aspects for several important processes and applications linked to design
This Safety Guide considers relevant Fukushima accident lessons:
- Availability of the information and displays giving to plant operators and other critical personnel during accidents
- Optimal layout of displays and controls reducing possibility of erroneous operation
- Human machine interface in the field (e.g. accessibility during accident states, equipment status, local controls and measurement devices)
- Human and organizational factors related to HFE design