DS521 - Radiation Protection Programmes for the Transport of Radioactive Material

Status: SSG-86

Veröffentlichung  2023

Revision von  TS-G-1.3  (Ex DS377) 

Beteiligte IAEO-Komitees: TRANSSC, EPReSC, RASSC

Specific Safety Guide

STEP 12    
STEP 11_Text
STEP 11_Ann   
Kommentare der SSCs und IAEO-Bewertung IAEO-Zusammenfassung nach STEP 11     
STEP 8 Kommentare der Mitgliedsstaaten
und IAEO-Bewertung
IAEO-Zusammenfassung nach STEP 8
STEP 7 Kommentare der SSCs IAEO-Zusammenfassung nach STEP 7
STEP 4    
STEP 3 Kommentare der SSCs und IAEO-Bewertung IAEO-Zusammenfassung nach STEP 3


Zurück zu „IAEO Safety Standards Series“ (Übersicht aller derzeit gültigen Sicherheitsstandards)

Background Information

Since the publication of TS-G-1.3, the two publications in the Safety Requirements category that it primarily supports have been revised: once in the case of the BSS/GSR Part 3; and three times in case of TS-R-1/SSR-6. In addition, two Safety Guides (GSG-7 Occupational Radiation Protection and GSG-8 Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment) have been published to provide recommendations for the implementation of GSR Part 3. The revision of TS-G-1.3 is proposed to:

  • Provide recommendations on how to meet the relevant requirements established in GSR Part 3 and SSR-6 (Rev. 1);
  • Ensure consistency with other relevant IAEA safety standards that were published recently, e.g. GSR Part 2, GSR Part 7, GSG-7 and GSG-8;
  • Incorporate the experience gained from the application of TS-G-1.3 by Member States.


The objective of the proposed revision of TS-G-1.3 is to provide recommendations and guidance on meeting the requirements established in para. 302 of SSR-6 (Rev. 1) for a radiation protection programme for the transport of radioactive material, with due consideration of already published IAEA General Safety Guides dealing with radiation protection. It will provide recommendations on meeting the requirements for criticality safety by making reference to the recommendations provided in SSG-27, Criticality Safety in the Handling of Fissile Material; it will not provide recommendations for any non-radiological hazards associated with the transport of radioactive material.

Weitere Informationen: s. TRANSSC Members Area